The Ascension Path Part III – Emotion, Riding the Waves

Emotion and instinct can be the fertile soil into which we plant seeds of our Higher Self to grow our intentions for life.  Or they may become powerful waves of reaction that can overwhelm our mental focus and shift us into a ninety degree turn before we recognize what we are doing!  These are powers that need to be mastered within us.

The key to successfully harnessing the power of our emotions and instincts or our ‘feeling self’ lies in true self-identity.  When feelings come up, grab our attention and cause us to react fast and strong, our identity has slipped into places from our past.  Those places have what I call ‘bookmarks’ where we have left behind pieces of ourselves that are dis-empowered from unresolved stress.  When circumstances awaken those memories, we react from the part of us which got stuck there, often called Inner Children.  In order to achieve inner mastery within those challenges, we need to practice staying in unity with our mature and enlightened Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.  Click here to find your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.

It is a short but powerful step from being wounded and reactive to being empowered and clear.  Both states are within us.  Feelings are very compelling and so where someone’s past holds many ‘bookmarked experiences’ it is a common choice to stuff their feelings and live mostly from mental focus to block their reactivity.  This may feel safer, but the problems with this choice are many:  it blocks feelings of connection with other people and our ability to receive and feel love; it blocks access to instincts, Inner Wisdom and Higher Self; it takes much of the joy out of life and makes it hard to change, be spontaneous and relax.  There is a better place to run our lives from and I call it Inner Wisdom.  This seed of our eternal/Higher Self is most easily found in our heart chakra, but it is everywhere within us.  It has access to a clear, higher perspective that helps us to navigate life’s challenges with intelligence and unconditional love.

Many spiritual teachers talk about mental visualization and focus, but without the soil of the deep instinctual feeling self, intentions frequently don’t bear fruit.  It is through these lower aspects of our creature self that our higher intelligence and love can manifest within the world.  So, mastering these challenging forces within is an essential step in ascension and in fulfillment within our world.  Those who work with me and read this blog regularly are learning to live centered in their Inner Wisdom and realizing what amazing benefits come with that.  It takes practice to live that focus strongly enough; so that even when something pushes our emotional and instinctual buttons, we can stay centered and not react.  Instead we can act so wisely that problems resolve almost before they start.

From the centered focus of Inner Wisdom, you can approach your reactive self much like you would any troubled child in your life.  With love and patience, you can put your metaphorical arm around your wounded self; then with acceptance seek to understand what is really going on behind the reactions you feel.  How old do you feel in that moment… what are you afraid of… how can you comfort… counsel and empower this part of yourself to respond intelligently… to mature and heal?  Focusing, paying attention, understanding and responding to these circumstances from Inner Wisdom helps you to complete your karmic lessons and then the problems dissolve.  Those bookmarks are there for just this purpose, and when you have completed your tasks in that area, you can move on with greater strength, wisdom, confidence and intelligence in your life.

This process of healing the buried emotions can be done quite simply much of the time.  You don’t need to re-traumatize yourself by digging up all the feelings and going deeply into the past.  You just need to comfort yourself as feelings arise so you can respond in a new way to life.  When this is done well, the inner children grow up and integrate into the adult personality bringing lost gifts, strengths and inspiration to life.  In Healing and Ascension Monthlies Class and in Healing Treatments I walk people through this process in ways which are powerful but light and effective.  These are some of the skills for which I received the first Master Healer Certificate ever from UCM.  If you find you can use some extra help with this let me know!  Contact Eve

Wounded instincts and emotions are where our ascension process can become hung-up, causing physical symptoms as well as emotional and mental stress and fatigue.  To ascend, stop stuffing and begin embracing the feelings that come up for you; listen, love and respond from your Inner Wisdom. Don’t let the wounded children drive your life; but learn from them about where you need to heal and mature so your Inner Wisdom can direct all that you do.  Teach the stuck part of you like a parent helps a beloved child to navigate the challenges of life.  Then watch how the pain, problems or reactivity dissolve, leaving you in a place of comfort, dignity and confidence.  Where the symptoms and reactivity don’t dissolve a healing treatment may help things shift more easily.

Within you are many different focuses of self.  Practice living centered on and identified with your Inner Wisdom, so higher intelligence and love can direct your life.

I hope you have enjoyed this 3-part series!  I look forward to sharing with you again next week.

Blessings and love my ascending friends!  Eve

P.S. Many of you have a personal story about using these tools effectively that would inspire us, please comment to share that if you feel to!  Together we are stronger than when we are alone.  Those who are drawn to my work are very individual, not particularly ‘joiners’.  That is because as we ascend, we find ourselves to be unique, and that can make us feel alone.  Let us create a gathering here of many unique individuals, empowering ourselves and each other to ascend more easily!  Sharing our experiences can support that.  Also, thanks for sharing or liking this post if it pleases you to do so ?

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Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
4 years ago

Thank you very much Eve for this so healing message. It has helped me to better understand my reactivity and symptoms of what l’m going through now. Which is my wounded child asking me for balance and a new way of handling my emotions and becoming more adult in my relationships. Since these wounds are so deep engrave from past lives your explanations in your message has give me the tools that l needed to achieve this.Thank you, again for being there in such a generous way. Blessings for you!?

4 years ago

I worked this weekend with a former classmate in Healer Development to assist a couple of my inner children to heal. I am learning to listen to my Inner Child and be a loving Adult toward her. For years I was constantly being a loving Adult to all of the other people in my life while ignoring my Inner Child.

4 years ago

Oh Wow, this is phenomenally broken down with wonderful, as always!, metaphors and analogies that are amazing. Thank you Eve.!!!!!!xxxxxx

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
4 years ago

Thank you so much and blessings!