Strong Boundaries

Strong boundaries are an expression of self-love.  They protect and strengthen us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually; build good relationships; and help us ascend!

Boundaries can be an act of love, they don’t have to be hurtful; but where they are missing in our lives we will be hurt and damaged in ways that are unnecessary.  Many people have challenges with this stemming from childhood. To feel safe we learned to sacrifice too much of ourselves to take care of others. This helped to somewhat protect us from their pain and negativity.  Okay, that was the best we could do as kids, but is it working for you now?  Probably not.

What you may not realize is that holding strong boundaries on your human self allows your Higher Self to ground into your life more effectively.  When that happens healing and ascension can happen as well.  Things will clear when your true self is here!  (That could be a nice motto! ).

Those who work with me know that grounding and boundaries are the first things I teach.  Many of you learned more about that through my video blog series: Eve’s 3 Most Important Things for Riding the Wave of Change.  Well in recent weeks I learned a new level of that which has blown my mind!  I have been expanding into unity with Higher Levels of Soul and opening to that, and it has been amazing and transformational.  However what I didn’t realize was how in doing that I had to also strengthen the boundaries on my human self even more; in order to maintain the integrity of my focus within the world.  I was stretching on the spiritual levels and on the earthly professional levels and in relationships simultaneously and my need for better boundaries showed up as stress in my body, emotions and mind.  Fortunately I was guided to focus more on the boundaries of my personal aura and as soon as I did  everything came to focus and started working out as it should.  I received amazing feedback on the effectiveness of this shift from my colleagues and in my personal relationships, but even more important in my physical health and energy.

People resist boundaries for a number of reasons including:  a) I just want to be spiritual, it is more comfortable there (but you don’t have boundaries if you aren’t grounded) b) Others need me and my self-worth and security is built on that, even though I feel drained by it and like there is no time for me c) I feel like I will be perceived as cold or not spiritual if I don’t let myself respond to everyone’s needs and feel everything all the time d) I like feeling all that spiritual energy all the time, it makes me know I am alive and that spirit is present everywhere.

All of these reasons have some validity up to a point; however you can only live that way until you get completely drained and ill.  When you ground and set boundaries your energy can charge and your Higher Self can incarnate.  You are still spiritual and you can serve others more fully because you do it without draining yourself; and without dis-empowering others by doing their jobs for them.  It is fine for others to be unhappy or uncomfortable, because those are ways their Higher Selves motivate them to change.  So if you keep them comfortable all the time you stunt your own growth and theirs.  We each need to be okay with others being uncomfortable, and the way to do that is to hold boundaries, so we don’t feel everything all the time.  We also need to learn to love and comfort ourselves enough and be so in unity with our Higher Self that we don’t need others approval to feel good about ourselves.  If other’s approval is your motive, then you are not on your path.  Your true path flows from your Higher Self and Inner Wisdom, not from other’s desires.

My “3 Most Important Things” Video Series begins the process of learning to ground, hold a space for yourself and to center on your Inner Wisdom.  It teaches you where the boundary of your aura is.  Practice paying attention to that and letting your personal space be your own.  For those who have worked with me extensively, I suggest you use your power animals to help you hold the perimeter of your aura stronger; and see how that feels for you!  I will do a power animal video soon for those of you who haven’t worked with that yet.  They are amazingly empowering!

You may need to comfort and reassure yourself, that letting other people have their feelings and challenges is a mature act of kindness on your part.  Letting go of the requirement for everyone to be happy and nice for you to be comfortable, takes courage and strength.  Give yourself permission not to feel everything, and allow your Higher Self to bring to your attention the things you need to know.  Then set a request from your Inner Wisdom to your True Self to mute emotional and mental energies from the world around you. Ask that you perceive what is yours to deal with and not be overwhelmed by those things which are not your job.  Then learn to live in that space of inner unity. Let it’s tranquility be strong enough to hold you safe while other people ride the waves of change in their own lives and under their own steam.

It helps to envision your aura like an egg surrounding you, with the smaller point down.  Ask your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self to define this perimeter strongly and your tree to help you hold it.  If you aren’t working with Inner Wisdom and Tree yet, explore the video series here:  Just type  Video #1, #2 or #3 into the search box with the magnifying glass image.

Then when those who are used to being needy and overwhelming in your life bump into your new boundary try this:  Let them know that you believe in them; and that you realized you have been taking care of them in ways that they are capable of doing themselves.  That you apologize for that, and are working on loving yourself and them in healthier ways.

This is just a start on this journey.  I will return to it again with more lessons on how good boundaries help you create a life you love to live!

Come learn to live in your true self in the new-world! Beginning on May 30th we start the next series of 6 Healing & Ascension Monthlies; where we empower, heal and ascend together!  Every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 ET we will enter the new world together and build our new world muscles, release the old world and rewrite contracts, ascend together and help others to do so as well.  Contact me at to find out more and enroll!  We meet by conference phone call and some come in person in Ann Arbor.  Classes are recorded so you won’t miss!

Thanks so much to everyone for sharing, liking and commenting as you feel it will be helpful and right to do so. This helps others find this life-changing blog and I love to hear from you!

Blessings and Love Always, Eve

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5 years ago

Thank you so much for the guidance to request that my Inner Wisdom to ask my True Self to mute emotional and mental energies that are not mine to deal with. This is going to help me so much.