I’ve had 3 significant experiences in my practice this past month where people between the ages of 10 & 26 years accepted deep changes within their energy bodies and soul make up that opened the way for change in others, including older people. In all cases these were issues which I and my spirit team have been working on with limited progress for quite some time and so it was with great joy that I observed these changes.
The energy of younger people is less dense and more available to spirit because they incarnated within the higher vibration energy systems available to them. It makes sense that they are leading the way in some of these evolutionary processes, despite their youthful age.
Many people feel concern about young people on the planet with their constant electronic obsessions and the negativity of the media, the problems with the economy, the planet, etc. I believe that our children are using media to disociate from things that are frightening and over which they have no control. This is a healthy psychological choice. They are spending a lot of time in an in between place where it feels safe. Meanwhile this disociated state keeps them calm while changes take place on the planet and within their own bodies and souls. Also, the internet and phone are stimulating the development of telepathy. Eventually they will not need the electronic equipment to be in touch all the time.
It is a different world they are living in and they are doing what they need to do, which is letting go rather than holding on to the old forms of things. I know it can be hard to understand and worrisome to parents, but I believe you can have faith that it will work out well in the end.
I do wonderful healing work with young people. If you have a young person in your life that is in need of support I can work with them telepathically from a distance with you on the phone to answer questions and give feedback. This process is so easy and comfortable for them. If they are mature and very open I could work with them in person if they prefer.
Tell us about your young people by commenting on this email!
I also heard/read some time ago that these children created this in the energetic realms before they were born, and then came out to play with their own creation! So who are we to deprive them of that?!
That makes sense to me!
Thanks for this it helped me today 🙂 love and light
Thanks Eve, this past few weeks I had several conversations regarding this topic, is electronics bringing us closer or separating us, the way you explain makes a lot of sense and I totally agree. This helps clear any doubts that I still had.