Losing Illusions / Recovering Hope

For many it has been a struggle to maintain a hopeful attitude during these trying times. Perhaps we need to set a new standard for what hope in the future would mean because hope in illusions is something we need to lose so we can recover hope in what is real.

When times are changing and what we had put our faith on breaks down, it presents the opportunity to recognize what will better sustain us in this life.  It is within our selves that we find what is true and secure.  From an old world perspective that statement seems simplistic and unrealistic when faced with difficult financial and environmental challenges.  From a new world perspective though, it is the key to success.

Take a moment now, before you continue to read this post, to center in your new world self.  Because it is only from your new world self that you can really understand what I am saying.  So please breathe into your body and give yourself an inner hug, then allow your breath to carry your attention into your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest;  center there as though you have eyes in your heart chakra.  From there step back into yourself until you feel like your spine is the middle of you, there you will find the still and open comfort where your Inner Wisdom is most easily accessed.  From that still place ask to live in your new world self, in the new world as much as possible in this moment. Breathe into the shift and welcome it.  Then continue reading from that focus of your true self.

Within you the new world exists and is growing stronger each day.  Like a caterpillar in a cocoon you appear one way on the outside but within you something miraculous is happening! You are turning into a new world person.  But unlike the butterfly in the cocoon your new world self is already able to function, even in the world as it is now.  It’s not fully functional but significantly so.  Your job at this phase of transformation is to build unity with your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self and the Essence of Truth which is the Oneness of all Life and which I call God. In this partnership your life can be created within the paradigm of the new world; building moment by moment and step by step an infinite number of minor and major miracles right here in the presence of the chaos which is characterizing the old world at this time.

Here in this inner new world partnership you will rediscover hope in ways that you would never have believed possible before, because they weren’t possible before.  Letting go of faith in the old world illusion, you can recover hope in the new world experience.  Living centered as I taught in this post, your unity with the Essence of Truth will carry you safely through the challenges you face in ways that leave you smiling, refreshed and thrilled!  It reminds me of a ride at an adventure park, where your senses tell you that you are going to crash, and instead you come out laughing, and joyful.  This is the journey out of the old world and into the new.

I know I need to continually remind us all that everything which dies in the old world will ultimately be reborn in the new.  And many of those who are enlightened in the human, animal and other nature kingdoms are passing out of this world ahead of us to hold open the door for us to cross more easily into the new world.  The attacks on these lovely friends are helping us all to let go of the old so we can ascend into the new world.  I daily check on this process and have been repeatedly reassured that it is working perfectly.  When there is anything that can be done to smooth that process for all of us, I joyfully devote myself to helping in the ways that I am permitted and which don’t interfere with what is needed.  So please replace your dismay at what appear to be catastrophes with something more like this attitude:  Give thanks to those who play the role of the destroyer, helping the old world be released.  And  rejoice for those who are going ahead of us into the new world experience, they are making a shift up to support all of us!

Blessed 2019 to you my ascending friends!  Love, Eve

P.S. If you had wanted to but were too busy to join in December, I am able to make room  for you in the current series of Healing & Ascension Monthlies. I could send you the recording and then you can pick up on the second class next Thursday.  It is a good sized group, but we are open to expansion 🙂

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5 years ago

This is such a good summary of a helpful way of coping, that is sustainable for self so that one can sustain others! Thanks so much, Eve!