Mars Retrograde

Happy New Year!

Having just returned from a reatreat on Traverse Bay I am making up for missing last weeks blog.  What a great day to do that.  Here we are finally in the year 2012 and ready to enter the new world together in increasingly significant and increasingly gentle stages.

I was reading Aluna’s astrology predictions for January in the Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine (find it online at and it was all about Mars Retrograde for the next 60 days.  This makes total sense to me because the work I did on my retreat was all about that.  After reading her predictions I made a point to look ahead over the next weeks and ask what work needed to be done on my end so I resolve it in advance of bumping into the obstructions that would show up in my world during this retragrade period.

Mars represents change and power and when retrograde it is asking you to go within and see where you have been blocked in your power due to repression of emotions and fear.  When those things are dealt with you will find the outer changes can take place the way they need to.  So where you feel blocked over the next 60 days in the outer sense, go within and see where you need to work through some old baggage.  I work well with Mars energy, so if you feel intimidated by it in your own life I can help you to get these things resolved as easily and gently as is optimal for you.  Drop me an email to schedule an appointment:

Check out my website for articles and tools for dealing with emotions as well .

Blessings for a wonderful 2012!  Love, Eve