Solstice Light

I am particularly fond of the symbolism of winter solstice and how during the darkest times we may find the light greater within our own soul and spirit.

This year I’ve had another amazing encounter with the Christ energy, which periodically touches me very deeply and heals me in ways I don’t expect.  Having been raised by a missionary mother who was anything but loving most of the time, I have tended to be very quiet about my deep connection with Jesus.  My experience of him is so different from what she taught me.  

The Christ energy is so obviously not limited by religious ideas and judgements.  The same soul that was incarnate as Jesus Christ is also the soul of the one we know as Buddha.  In both of those incarnations he also incarnated as his own mother.  Both Mother Mary and Quan Yin are incarnations of the Christ.  But there are many manifestations of Christ that have not been recognized as such.

The Christ energy is the rememberance of our oneness with God.  It is present everywhere if you are open to it.  In my most recent encounter the Christ love came through a gift from someone very close to me.  It touched my heart and began a healing that moved through my soul like dominos, knocking out old hurts and restoring my awareness of love in those parts of me that had been blocked to receiving love.

The energy of Christ is strongest at this time of year but is always there at our darkest times when we need it most in ways we least expect.  Seek that light in your own soul and the world around you this season no matter what your spiritual or religious orientation.

Please share your solstice experiences with us by commenting on this post!  Blessings and love to you!

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Janet Len
12 years ago

That was lovely Eve, love the way you put things, love you!

12 years ago

I was recently introduced to your website. All your posts have increased my understanding of God, nature and love. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences, knowledge and thoughts with all of us. Thank You