Inner Peace

Dear Friends, every week I ask my Higher Self for the higher perspective on how to assist your lives and ascension.  I do this because you are important, and together we strengthen the presence of unconditional love in the world.  I hope you feel the love, respect and gratitude with which I embrace you and our world at this time; and that it helps you find strength, hope and peace.  Today’s message is about peace, that quality which we can find at the core of the holiday busy period; or which we may miss entirely because there is so much to do.

Here is a pleasant and relaxing way to have that peace throughout this season and your life.  Not saying that you won’t feel busy or that there will be no stress; but let this tool strengthen that core of quiet, joy and receptivity to the support that life wants to give you. We are going to begin with a be-a-tree meditation, which you may have done with me previously and take it to a deeper level.  So you may work with the same tree, or it may be that you are ready to add another tree to your inner forest :-).

Humans are comprehensive souls, and there are so many different potentials which we are developing.  Other life forms are more focused in their expression, and our own soul can access their unique focuses to help us develop qualities and soul muscles which we need, but which our human culture doesn’t teach us about.  Trees are great teachers for humans, as you will find when you work with yours in the following exercise.

Inner Peace – Tree Exercise:

  1. Breathe into your body and give yourself a big inner hug from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.  Allow love to flow through yourself from the wellspring of life within your own heart and belly.
  2. Allow your breathing to carry your focus into your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest, and center their as though all your senses, mind and feelings were brought to focus from there, rather than directed by your mind and third eye chakra.
  3. Step back into yourself until you feel your spine is the middle of you rather than the back of you.  This puts you into a clear – open place where you can receive the guidance of your Inner Wisdom (IW).  Let your IW become the point of origin for your actions during this meditation; and if you want during your life in general.
  4. Ask your IW to make you aware of the type of tree which would be most beneficial to you at this time.  Then relax and welcome the sense of that tree to come to your from within; rising up to consciousness from your IW.
  5. Welcome the IW to help you receive the unconditionally loving energies of your tree tree directly from the One Source of Life.  Let it be a summer tree, so you can enjoy all its gifts and qualities.
  6. Welcome the tree and merge with it so that you feel like you are that type of tree.  Feel what it is like to be so deeply rooted, tall, sturdy, fresh, nourished by the Essence of Truth of God from below through the earth and your roots, and above through the sun and your leaves and branches.  Take time to experience the unity with earth and spirit that a tree knows.
  7. Ask that your tree be living in the new world, and let it feed you with the sense of wholeness and unconditional love that defines the new world experience.
  8. Staying peacefully centered and focused within your own tree self, let yourself become aware that you are surrounded by other trees, in a new world forest of enlightened and unconditionally loving Tree Beings.
  9. Spend whatever time you would like or are able to in this space, and when you are ready let your human focus re-emerge into your daily life, but comforted, protected and supported by the inner peace of being a new world tree also.

I love this exercise and believe you will too, and that it can help you enjoy your holidays and your life more fully!

I would love to see you in person! And so will let you know when I schedule book signing events which usually include a reading form the book and an ascension meditation, and hope you will be able to come sometimes!  I will be at the Mind’s Eye in Macomb Township on Sunday January 21st from 1-4, so put it on your calendar if you would like to come and let your friends and family know!  I will send a flyer also with more information.  Please consider giving a copy of Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World as a gift to someone who would be encouraged and supported by it this holiday!  My main website has a link to my beautiful new book website and also directly to Balboa Press to purchase.  I’ll let you know when my two radio shows are available on my website for you to listen!

Still a few openings in the Monthly Ascension Support Class starting January 11!  Also the Healer & Ascension Certification Course starting January or February, DTBA when we know who all will be coming and what night everyone can participate.  Contact me through my main website link above to enroll.  Classes are live from everywhere via phone or Skype and in person here in Ann Arbor!

Together we are nurturing the new world here on Earth; we carry it within us and continue to let it grow! 

It is so good to be here with you!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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Catherine Paton
4 years ago

I appreciate learning about this Inner Wisdom and Be A Tree exercise. I have written poems, songs and stories about trees,including The Turtle and The Acorn by Catherine Palmer Paton. My blog is and I hope to make time to read your Riding the Wave of Change soon…and review on amazon as you suggested to help others see your work.

Meanwhile I will tell Marianne Williamson and other candidates for US President about your work in hopes it can help US All tune into our higher paths for all beings and our lovely planet. Thanks for everything you are doing. It was a pleasure to speak with you briefly a while back.