Karmic Release

Hello Ascending Friends!

For most of us, change happens from the top down; where we are at in our spirit and conscious mind, tends to be quite a bit clearer and closer to our truth, than where we are at in our body and ego.  Because of this, we may attract lessons and opportunities that frustrate us, because we feel we should have overcome them already; but in our less conscious, lower self, we may still be holding some old world energy.  Our lower self is important, it needs to become conscious and ascend too, so we can’t just leave it behind.  Achieving the kind of karmic release that allows us to be free of those obstacles and challenges, may be simpler than we think.

Karma to me indicates lessons and goals that we have set ourselves, which are not yet complete.  Many people think of it as debts we owe, but to me it is really about fulfilling our purpose.  So what I am talking about here, is the way that sometimes there is a piece that we need to complete, in order to move on from a particular set of obstacles.

One very important way to initiate that shift, is to connect with our Higher Self and God (or whatever you call that Higher Power).  The separation between God and our lower nature is the foundation of the old world experience.

Any problem you have encountered in your life multiple times, is a Karmic lesson; one which is demanding another piece of learning, healing or empowerment from you.  Instead of butting heads with it, invite The Higher Power to be present within you and to surround the circumstance and your experience of it with wholeness and truth.  Step back into a quiet place within; and with a patient and open heart, observe yourself as though you were someone else, watching you react.  Ask your Higher Self and God to help you to understand what you need to do, to complete this Karmic opportunity.  What task of learning, and growth have you yet to achieve around this type of circumstance?

Then, do a very simple thing…ask God to help you to do what is needed, to complete this task and release it from your life.  Not as though God was out there somewhere, but ask the presence of God right where you are to help you.  The presence of God within you, is your true self.  The parts of you that are learning and ascending are your body and soul, which are your creation.  When you ask for help in this simple way, something will shift.  Sometimes you will have a profound shift that will release the issue from your life.  Sometimes you will gain a new perspective, that allows you to respond in a more empowered way.  Sometimes you will become aware of something within you, an emotion, or belief, which has been hidden from your consciousness, but which you can now work with.

In almost every karmic opportunity, there is a need for forgiveness in order for it to release fully.  Forgiveness is complex; it needs to be offered to all involved in the circumstance.  There is forgiveness for those who perpetrate negative experiences on others, for those who are effected by them, and the role they have played; for the lower nature who reacts to the experiences, and for God within who designed and created the karmic opportunity in the first place…the list goes on!  Forgiveness is hard to generate from your lower self, but if you ask God within you for help forgiving, you may find that it happens with a minimum of fuss.  Then when things are finished — finally, before you realize what has happened — you are free of the whole thing!

August 25 begins a wonderful journey of ascension!  Every 4th Thursday for 6 classes we will initiate shifts at the most sublime levels and the most human.  Join us for the next round of Monthly Ascension Support Classes, and find out why people have done so again and again!  You can reach me through my website:  www.spiritualhealers.com  to sign up for this potent and regenerative experience.

Blessings on your journey this week, my friends!  Love, Eve

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