Within You
Within you shines the morning sun The evening star, the rivers run The bird song and the wondrous flight All come to rest at sacred
Within you shines the morning sun The evening star, the rivers run The bird song and the wondrous flight All come to rest at sacred
One of the most common things people ask of me as a healer is to explain to them why they have chosen the circumstances of their life; they seem at a loss to explain the value of their experiences. Here
Children bring us such joy and they present us with some of our deepest challenges. Truly, there is nothing a parent desires more than their child’s happiness, health and success in life and when any of that is missing it
The journey of life presents challenges we think we can’t handle or overcome on our own. Perhaps this is a message that we should bring our Higher Power into it. If we could do it all from our human ego
The changing affairs of life are represented in a lovely, graphic fashion in the tarot card called The Wheel of Life. It shows a wheel of many spokes with faces in each pie shaped section
I’d like to share with you a deeply relaxing exercise which helps you to clear blocks and negative energy out of your heart, mind and aura. It also helps you to get perspective on issues in your life and to
Watching the earth shed its winter coat and the first spring bulbs poking out of the soil brings to mind the changes that people are also undergoing at this time. Many of us our shedding an older way of being
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Eve has been publishing articles in the Body Mind Spirit Guide for years and has brought them into a library here.