Entering this new year be prepared to shift up vibrationally. A new reality has been birthing in spirit for some time and it is growing much stronger this year as it comes more fully within reach of our human experience. The old reality is still obviously present, though it may feel increasingly like shifting sand under our feet. When we focus our heart and will into alignment with our Higher Self, we will find ourselves shifting up onto a surprisingly firm foundation where it is easier for us to thrive.
When the contracts for the new world came online in December of 2012, a new level of unity with Higher Self was initiated. We are experiencing the results of that in two ways. The old way of things is crumbling and the foundation of the new is growing stronger. 2019 reveals the new world foundation beginning to be strong enough to hold us as we shift up vibrationally to find increased unity with higher intelligence and love.
Things that help this shift up include spiritual meditation, journaling, prayer, tuning and clearing chakras and aura, and holding the intention to be guided by Inner Wisdom and Higher Self. Since what we are aiming for is a truly new experience, our spiritual work from the past can be helpful but we may need to let go of some old beliefs and assumptions. If we have allowed our own true Higher Self and Inner Wisdom to be our center and to guide our lives the transition is easier. Our new world self is a unique focus of the One, unlike all others. No system of spirituality or belief, and no prior experience can prepare us for the new level of individuality we are facing. We need to be open to trust our own true self as we step into this next experience of unity and wholeness. In my work as a healer, ascension worker and trainer of healers I help people to strengthen their ability to make this transition into their unique gifts and opportunities. I am skilled at identifying where they are stuck in old world identity or soul contracts, and to help them own their power to release the past so they can live fully in their present and shift up vibrationally.
This article was inspired when I spent 2 ½ hours with an IT person cleaning up my computer which was running incredibly slow. Together we explored what could be deleted, adjusted or updated, and now my computer is running easy and smooth again! That could be a metaphor for what I do spiritually for my clients and students. After a treatment they may feel like they’ve received a brand new system; efficient and ready to work at the higher vibrations of the new world.
If you do spiritual practices like chakra tuning and aura clearing, try asking your Inner Wisdom to help you shift up to your new world chakras and aura. These are already there for you at that new vibration. We call this higher level of life the new world and it is available to everyone, but living there is a choice, at least for the foreseeable future. To shift up to the new world breathe deep into your heart where your Inner Wisdom is easiest to access. Center in that still sweet place within and relax into the intention to live in your new world self within the new world. Then welcome the shift up. Your new world vibration will continue to rise and grow stronger day by day as you ascend.
Many of those who have been following my international-award winning blog, published articles, my book or classes have been choosing to live in their new world self in the new world for some time with increasing success. However, they probably have needed to renew this intention often, sometimes multiple times a day because the old world tugs them back through fear, worry or hateful energies. What I am seeing is that it will be easier to hold the new world focus as this year unfolds! And as more and more of us learn to live in that experience it strengthens the new world for everyone on Earth.
So if you sometimes feel like your security is crumbling, try choosing your new world self and shift up to the level where something wonderful is being created through unconditional love and unity. There you will find that as some old things fall away that allows your vibration to shift up, so something better comes to focus and you are supported in a new way. 2019 appears to be a blessed opportunity to learn to live in this new way.