
Ascension & Resurrection

by Eve Wilson

Your soul has contracted to be here during one of the most interesting phases of evolution on this planet.  This opportunity is one you really wanted to be a part of on a higher level. On a human level it can be hard to understand the significance of what is going on in your personal life, as well as on planet earth so I will try to give you some perspective on things.

I rarely speak in religious terms because I see things in a broader way than any religion.  When I talk about or work with Christ energy (which I do all the time) I often refer to the level of that consciousness which is older and more universal than the life of Jesus Christ, but which includes that one and many others as well.  Rudolph Steiner, the great philosopher and teacher called this The Cosmic Christ.  I perceive it as an element of true soul being which belongs to all of us regardless of religion.  You might say that it is our elder self.  The Cosmic Christ soul is the same one that was incarnated as Buddha, Quan Yin, Mother Mary and Jesus, among others.  It is this consciousness which is awakening within all of us and raising us back into unity with God and each other while allowing us each to realize our unique role and purpose within life.  Everyone’s unique purpose changes moment by moment depending on what is needed, so don’t try to define yours too closely but learn about it as you go.

As we are coming up on Easter Weekend, it strikes me that what we are going through finds its initiation on earth in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  What he did in 3 days, we are doing together in a much broader sense over a longer time.  Our old self is dying and we are being reborn or ascended into our true Christ or Buddha or God/Goddess self.  Only with many of us we will not die in the traditional sense, but will gradually transition to a new self.  We will steadily die over time to an old sense of self that has a tendency to feel separate, unworthy, unconscious of who we really are, fearful, lost, hateful, insecure, jealous….I could go on for a while with the list.  We will simultaneously rebirth or resurrect ourselves into a state of enlightened being and self- awareness of our unity with God and all of Life.  Along with this change we are getting new bodies and energy systems which will accommodate the higher consciousness which is being born.

This is a lot to look forward to!

During this time of change, many things which we are used to will appear to pass away; do not fear this process.  This will happen so that something new can be born; something brand new to us.  Your soul has contracted for this adventure and though your mind may think it knows what you want and need, you will have to be flexible about that.  Life will give you what you need, but it may look different than what you expect.  There may be several stages that you go through to surrender your assumptions before you are ready to realize who you really are and claim the gift of your own truth.  Try to flow with the changes and accept that there is a higher purpose in them.

Each time one of us surrenders some of our old self and assimilates a bit of our own Christ consciousness, it paves the way for others to do so more easily.  We are actively working together to birth our individual selves and an amazing new experience of the planet and nature as well.  The planet and nature are dying and rebirthing too.  I was told by the enlightened soul of the planet that all the creatures that appear to become extinct during this time will be present in the new world which is being born.  They are not dying, they are ascending.  Those who go first will be those who are needed in that higher state first.  They go ahead of us to provide a foundation for us in that new state of being and to make our transition easier.  As we arrive in our ascended state, we will find they are with us.

For some this message may seem idealistic or extreme.  That’s OK, just take it one day at a time and watch what happens.   You can start now by looking back in time twenty years and recall how heretical it was back then to many people for someone to talk about God being within us.  If you are old enough to remember that, think about how accepted that idea is now for most spiritual people regardless of their faith.  We have already been ascending for some time and this awakening to our oneness with God within our own lives is one huge signpost of our success.  Make a note to yourself to look back 10 years from now to 2012 and I believe you will see that what I have said is true.  The world will be different in so many good ways, despite the changes which appear right now to be big problems.  They will lead us to a better place.
